Best Actor in a Leading Role
Max Ganet in "Love and Ocean"
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Tie between Liz Diciurcio in "Love and Ocean" and Rachel Kuo in" How Do I Say Goodbye"
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Mitch Anderson, for "How They Fell" and "Trouble From the Start"
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
The girl who impales Jason in "The First Friday"
Best Death
Jim Termine, for dying twice in "The First Friday"
Best Cameo Appearance
The Parents in "Cope"
Best Executive Producer
Brian South
Film Awards
Best Picture
"Trouble From the Start"
Best Soundtrack
Best Editing
"Overhydration" and "Trouble From the Start"
Best Documentary
"How They Fell"
Best Voiceover
Best Use of Imaginary Friends
Best Single Transition
The Basketball Toss in "The First Friday"
Best Use of a Foreign Country
"How Do I Say Goodbye"
"Love and Ocean"
Victor Suarez, Liz DiCiurcio, Max Ganet
"Trouble From the Start"
Kendall Turcotte, Justin Briggs, Andrew Jones
"How They Fell"
Mitch Covert, Beau Soesbe, Iain Dalton
"Cope: The Story of Zach Sinola"
Tapan Jani, Joe Ballent, Jon Tevogt
Cameron Main, Kate Sheahan
"How Do I Say Goodbye?"
Drew Erickson, Rachel Kuo, Sarah Hong
"The First Friday"
Ian Kewley, Jim Termine, Jamell Dodd
Keenan, Justin Smith (Tom), Mike Riva
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