Friday, May 16, 2008

The 6th Semiannual Brians Awards--May 16th, 2008

Individual Awards

Best Actor in a Leading Role--the Asian kid in Shoot

Best Actress in a Leading Role--Stephanie Kwiatt in The Return of Static Cling Man

Best Actor in a Supporting Role--Tie! Jeff Wickman and Kyle Sauer in The Return of Static Cling Man

Best Actress in a Supporting Role--Jaqi Alie in Prove It

Best Executive Director--Mr. South

Film Awards

Best Picture--The Return of Static Cling Man

Best Soundtrack--July

Best Editing--Fragments

Best Make Up/Costumes--The Journey of Stoney

Best Cinematography--Shoot

Best Death--Death by frisbee in The Frisbee Kid

Best Use of a Fake Picasso--Prove It

Best Twist of Fate--The Lotto Ticket

Best Use of Rohan--My Name is Raymond


The Frisbee Kid--Charles Crawford, Will Prescott, Steve Suta

Prove It--Jaqi Alie, Sammy Meyer, Vince Doogan

Shoot--Andy Martin, Emily Gingold, Joydita Sarkar, Salil Sundresh

The Lotto Ticket--Willy Dutton, Joe Marshall, Alex Somers

The Journey of Stoney--Jon Bonus, Danny Ford

Fragments--Martika Diaz, Steven Degand, Mike Krumlauf

The Return of Static Cling Man--Kyle Sauer, Chris Dunn, Paul Boyer

My Name is Raymond--Mike Herbert, Renee Tevogt, Bobby Kegley

July--Connor Duff, Jackson Hill, Ray Treonis

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The 5th Semiannual Brians Awards--December 7th, 2007

Individual Awards

Best Actor in a Leading Role—Neil McCarthy in 1up

Best Actress in a Leading Role—Dan Essig in Sarah/The Wife

Best Actor in a Supporting Role—Willy in World of Wizards

Best Actress in a Supporting Role—Mike’s sister in Cold Fear

Best Executive Producer—Mr. South

Film Awards

Best Picture—Cold Fear

Best Soundtrack—1up

Best Editing—Tie! Cold Fear and Deception

Best Make up/Special Effects—Sarah/The Wife

Best Use of World of Warcraft—World of Wizards

Best Use Twins—Dead Ringer

Best Manipulation of Reality—Dead Ringer

Best Film Poster—Deception